Phuntoken youtube影片介紹
大多數加密貨幣是“項目”而不是公司。 Phunware 是一家上市公司,在構建定義類別的移動生態系統方面擁有超過 12 年的經驗,因此品牌可以更好地與消費者建立聯繫。
將過去累積的實體網路生態結合虛擬網路發展 項目建構在ETH鏈上,24小時簽到一次(首頁笑臉) 未上市的幣價 目前每日換算2美元(價值算很優質了) (one network 發展模式升級版,可參閱個人one network 影片) 公司、團隊實力毋庸置疑 項目才剛開始
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Join me by downloading the PhunWallet app to start earning PhunToken!
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個人手機挖礦部落格隨時加入最新及更新項目資訊 痞客邦:生活就是如此
AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Phunware, Inc. (NASDAQ: PHUN) (the “Company”), a fully-integrated enterprise cloud platform for mobile that provides products, solutions, data and services for brands worldwide, announced a Ten Million PhunToken Sweepstakes in conjunction with a new release of PhunWallet on Apple iOS and Google Android and an updated PhunWallet roadmap in support of its blockchain-enabled Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Mobile Loyalty Ecosystem. “The future of data is user-generated and user-controlled, but you have to give users a reason to participate and a platform to make participation easy,” said Randall Crowder, COO of Phunware. “We’re leveraging over a decade of experience and our position as a public company to commercialize a truly decentralized data economy that rewards you for being you, because the future of blockchain rests with real companies solving real problems in the real world.” With this latest release, users will have more opportunities to earn PhunToken (PHTK) by not only engaging in a daily call-to-action, but also in generating and sharing custom referral links. Additional features of this release include optimized onboarding, wallet recovery and user experience enhancements.
Phuntoken 是 美國那斯達克上市公司phun的數字貨幣項目
為了推廣貨幣項目 因此目前才剛開始空投階段